PT. Arkananta Apta Pratista is a mining and construction contractor company and was established in August 2004. Well known as ARKA, our company’s head office is located in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.As our company grows, a key objective is to recruit the talent we need to grow and to ensure we have the right strategy to always perform at our best. In tune with our Vision and Mission, we consistently deliver the best services to our Customers and comply with the required government regulations in achieving the target.

ARKANANTA values the importance of CSR and always strive to achieve great result. We also supported by APS (ARKANANTA Project Support), an independent body that focus on repairing our assets. We also believe in our core value, TIGER SPEED, a way to shape our team to be a very compatible worker.

We value our employee development as one of the key to improve and expand our business. R&D (Research and Development) is Arkananta’s department focusing on improving and maintain employee capability and development. We have several in-house programs which aims to teaches young applicant with skills and good working values

Head Office Balikpapan
Jl. MT. Haryono No. 131-133,
Balikpapan, East Kalimantan
Indonesia 76126
Telp. : (+62 542) 7212 700, 7212 710
Fax. : (+62 542) 7212 730
Branch Office Jakarta
Jl. Raya Cilandak KKO, Komplek Vico Kav. 12
Jakarta Selatan 12560
No. Telp : (+62 21) 7834 1210 / 7834 1223